Racciman's World Story Quotes

“Card sharping is for people whose fingers are more clever than they are.” —Prince Asond

“I like to vary my character faults in an attempt to make up for the fact that I have no virtues.” —Prince Asond in Talking With Winds

“Now you have conflicting orders -- an interesting dilemma for you. Why you might even have to think.” —Prince Asond in Talking With Winds

“Asolde spent nine days in a high fever. Goddesses are likely the least of what she saw.” —Prince Asond in Talking With Winds

“We like words. They are a wealth that weighs nothing, and fears no theft.” —Samanth in Talking With Winds

“Skill recognizes skill, and no trickery can hide its lack” —Prince Asond


Keywords: Fantasy, Racciman, secondary world,

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