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Today's Horoscope

The state of the skies on this day (day 47 of year 2993), as the sun wanes, is as follows:

Asoer, Lord of Heaven, resides in the House of the Fish Trap, so the realm of Entanglements is in ascendence. Now is the time to attempt tasks that involve working alone. Be certain to pay attention to opportunities to set aside current obligations, for these are an advantageous influence while the Fish Trap rules the skies.

Nadal, the mother moon, waxing gibbous, resides in the House of the Snail. Tasks that require caution, and great care will seem easier and more fulfilling, and people who give you advice, or who show the way will usually be a positive influence, but keep a watchful eye out for hidden flaws.

Munva, the moon bride, waxing half, resides in the House of the Lobster. The realm of the Mundane will dominate your love and family life for good or for ill.

Bildhomor, the moon child, in full glory, resides in the House of the Pheasant. Seek out activities involving assurance and boldness for today and you are sure to find one that will delight, amuse or fascinate.

The sun child Ikhsior, in concealment, resides in the House of the Hunter. If your life seems aimless and you are uncertain about the direction you are taking there is no cause for concern. Hold fast to your dreams and ambitions, and the guidance of the celestial ones will eventually reveal itself.