The Worlds of L. Shelby

The Imaginary History of Verdaia

Historical Adventure in a world not our own.

Motif List for the Imaginary History of Verdaia

Looking for Motif (Universe = 'Verdaia' OR Universe = 'All')
84 motifs found.
Great Lord/Lady ()
Stoi Kat Nouns ()
Gar Mian Classes ()
Royalty ()
King ()
High Prince/Princess ()
AppearanceNobility ()
Royal Prince/Princess ()
Noble Lord/Lady ()
Clanlord/Clanlady ()
Gentry ()
Honored Lord/Lady ()
Worthy ()
Respectable ()
Commoner ()
Householder/Dame ()
Officer 1st Rank ()
Officer 2nd Rank ()
Officer 3rd Rank ()
Officer 4th Rank ()
Officer 5th Rank ()
Prince/Princess ()
Lord/Lady ()
Gentleman/Gentlewoman ()
Officer 8th Rank ()
Officer 9th Rank ()
Officer 6th Rank ()
Officer 7th Rank ()
Military ()
Royal Lord/Lady ()
Personal ()
Inclusive ()
Exclusive ()
Gar Mian Ranks ()
Relationships ()
Ruler ()
Liege ()
Sovereign ()
Father/Mother ()
Dad/Mom ()
Parent ()
Brother/Sister ()
Bro/Sis ()
Sibling ()
Tutor ()
Family ()
AppearanceTeacher ()
Instructor ()
Kin ()
Bloodline ()
Master/Madam ()
Mister/Mistress ()
Commander ()
Sir ()
(Use Rank) ()
Husband/Wife ()
Spouse ()
Beloved ()
ArtificialLover ()
Other Relationships ()
Birth Order Adjectives ()
Male ()
Female ()
Valiant - Hak ()
Wise - Ti ()
Dutiful - Mev ()
Filial - Gi ()
Good ()
Radiant ()
Pure ()
Kind ()
Obediant ()
Charming - Pian ()
AnimalAppearanceSkin (aspect)
AppearanceEyes (aspect)
AppearanceHair (aspect)
Life FormAppearanceHeight (aspect)
AnimalAppearanceBuild (aspect)
FavoritesColors (aspect)
FavoritesHobbies (aspect)
Traits (box)
FavoritesFavorites (box)
Appearance (inherited)
Technology (page)