The Worlds of L. Shelby

Opera Maquique

Event List for Opera Maquique

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51 Events found.
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1334.Great Plague hits the Hubei Province
1347.Great Plague first appears in Europe (Crimea)
1377.Fillippo Brunellesch (Real Architect) born in Italy
1377.Great Plague of London -- Last Outbreak of the Great Plague
1402.Florence defeats Milan Army (Milan)
1404.Leon Battista Alberti (Real Architect) born
1423.Louis XI of France is born in France
1436.Alfonso V of Aragon (Pretender to the kingdom of Naples) is killed by the Florentines in Naples.
1449.Lorenzo the Magnificent is born in Florence
1451.Isabella I of Castile is born in Spain
1452.Leonardo da Vinci is born in Italy
1453.Fall of Constantinople (Byzantine)
1457.Mary of Burgundy is born in Brussels
1459.The French Dauphin marries an 8 year old Castilian princess
1468.Charles the Mad is born in France
1471.The sixteen year old Prince of Portugal marries Florentine Princess (Portugal)
1475.Michelangelo is born in Italy
1482.Twenty five year old Mary of Burgandy dies unmarried and heirless, due to a riding accident. (Belgium)
1483.Fifteen year old Charles the Mad becomes the first Valois Emperor (France)
1483.Raphael is born in Italy
1490.Columbus discovers South America and claims it for Portugal, it is eventually named Columbia.
1492.Beatrice Infanta (Princess) of Portugal is Born (Portugal)
1509.Beatrice Infanta (Princess) of Portugal marries Henry the Eighth of England (England)
1512.Henry of Avis (The Portuguese Pretender) is born to Beatrice and Henry VIII
1514.Beatrice, pregnant with Catarina flees to Portugal with her young son (Portugal)
1515.Catarina born to Beatrice and Henry VIII (Portugal)
1520.Beatrice's marriage to Henry VIII is annuled by English Parliment and "Canterbury" Pope.
1521.Henry VIII marries Mary ???? (England)
1522.Henry VIII Claims North America, which he names Maryland, for England.
1524.Elinor born to Henry VIII and Mary ???? (England)
1536.Mary accused of treason and beheaded. Princess Elinor is disbarred from the succession. (England)
1536.Henry VIII marries Catherine ????. (England)
1537.Catherine dies in childbirth, leaving Anne to be raised by her half-sister Elinor.
1537.Princess Anne (later Anne I of England) born to Henry VIII and Catherine
1539.Henry VIII marries Agnes ??? (England)
1542.Arthur (later Arthur I of England) born to Henry VIII and Agnes
1598.Founding of Annabelia first successful British colony in Maryland.
1602.First successful Burgundian Colony in the New World, Westenburgden later shorted to Westenburg.
1637.Cabal is born
1643.Sarah Katherine Miller is born
1663.Compelled begins
1667.The Kingdom of New France (Nouvelle-France) established in Cuba and Jamaica.
1672.0Cloak of Lies begins
1677.Naplians found Nuovegitto (Around our world's Baton Rouge).
1680.Henry Alton is born
1699.New French woodsmen create a small settlement, Madrique, in/near the Nuovegitto territory (current day mobile)
1748.Freemen/Condammy uprising in the southern Maryland colonies.
1752.Arthur III turns the English Maryland colonies into the Domain of Avalon.
1801.Northern Avalon Provinces break away from English rule, and renames itself the Free Federation of Maryland.
1803.The first Marylander settlement in Ohio founded.