Music and Verse

Tell me a Tale

by L. Shelby

Tell me a tale of wine and gin,
Tell me a tale of fighting!
With warriors dread and blood of red
    and arrows swift as lightning!

C - - - / C Dm C - x2

Tell me a tale of wine and gin
Tell me a tale of a lady!
With heart of sin and dress filled in
    and morals rather hazy!

Tell me a tale of wine and gin
Tell me a tale of a dragon!
A sailor bright got drunk one night
    and found him in his flagon!

Tell me a tale of wine and gin
Tell me a tale of a wizard!
He came home late, his magic mate
    turned him into a lizard!

Tell me a tale of wine and gin
Tell me a tale of a warrior!
He was so strong he feared no one
    except a clever lawyer!

Tell me a tale of wine and gin
Tell me a tale of sailing!
I tried it once and lost my lunch
    over the starboard railing!

Tell me a tale of wine and gin
Tell me a tale of religion!
Its all for nuts and greedy guts
    and men holed up in prison!

Copyright © 1993 Michelle Bottorff

An add-a-verse drinking song.

Keywords: Fantasy, Racciman, secondary world,

Quote from Talking With Winds
'I like to vary my character faults in an attempt to make up for the fact that I have no virtues.'
-- Prince Asond
Copyright © Michelle Bottorff

Email mbottorff at lshelby period com